Sew Much Fun teaches Adults who have never had the opportunity of learning how to sew. In 2 hours, you’ll learn the basics and make an item to take home. In this Beginners Basic class, you will learn how to: Operate a sewing machine and thread it correctly Sew straight lines Sew seam allowances correctly Finish seams Topstitch There’s no need to bring anything to the first class. Supplies are included in the class fee of $75. Adults 18 + are eligible for this class.
You will leave the class confident at using the sewing machine and ready to experiment on new projects like sewing simple garments and items for the home.
If you have done the Beginner Workshop, you can continue with more advanced techniques or move on to learning how to use a Commercial Pattern. You must bring an EASY Commercial Pattern of any item that you would be interested in wearing.
For more information and to make a booking, please phone Jacinta James on 09 8281577 or 0212635156. You could also email to make a booking.